It is not difficult to infect foot fungus. Sometimes it is enough to touch sick animals or people with feet, palms, nails and head, including hair on the head and skin. Or use contaminated items (combs, even clothes). Fungus often infects people who do not consider prevention.

How to deal with fungus
This disease is very common and causes a lot of inconvenience to the infected. There are many symptoms that accompany the disease. Let us consider these flags in more detail:
- Bubbles or spots are formed between the toes, and the spots gradually begin to grow, completely affecting the feet or palms.
- The affected area has severe itching.
- The skin begins to fall off, and the fungus affects other parts of the body.
More commonly, the fungus affects the feet and nails, and the plates turn yellow-gray and thicken. Gradually, the fungus completely destroyed the nails.
natural treatment
If the patient is diagnosed with foot fungal disease, the disease needs to be treated immediately. Treatment takes place in many ways. For example, in the hospital, the doctor will prescribe medicine, special ointments and ointments to help remove the fungus between the fingers. Funding is selected individually and is not always suitable for patients.
Don't forget the folk remedies involving herbal treatments. Let us consider the main treatments:
- If the fungus infects your toenails, it is recommended to steam your feet with salt and baking soda in warm water. When the bathtub cools, dry your feet and squeeze a drop of lemon juice under each nail. Then sprinkle soda on the nails, and foam will appear due to the acid-base reaction. After the operation, put on dry, clean socks.
- If treated with herbs, celandine is the best choice. It is recommended to use fresh celandine juice to lubricate the diseased parts. The celandine harvested from May to June is suitable. During this time, the movement of the juice along the plant is the most active.
- As we all know, this plant helps fight fungus on the feet. A special broth is made of lofant, in which the legs can take off. One day later, when the skin between the toes stops itching, the first result is obvious.
- Peppermint is considered an excellent medicine against fungi. Grate the mint and mix it with salt, then apply it to the painful area and wrap it with a special bandage, put on socks and go to bed.
- People often use carrot juice, mix it with vinegar and use remedies to lubricate the pain points.
- Strong natural coffee will be a wonderful remedy for the treatment of fungi. You need to brew strong coffee, filter it into a separate container, steam the feet there, and add vinegar to the water. After that, the solution must be wiped thoroughly between the toes.
- Garlic is good for effectively fighting foot fungus. Knead a few chives into porridge, rub between your toes before going to bed, put on clean socks and rest. Dip a cotton swab in vinegar in the morning and wipe again.
There are many folk recipes, and you should try everything to choose an effective one.
How to prepare fungal ointment
Using herbs and complementary products, a good ointment can be prepared that is effective for diseases that affect the gap between the toes.
- Take an egg and put it in a glass jar. Pour vinegar on the eggs and leave them in a dark place for a while. After a few days, the eggshell dissolved. The remaining film will need to be removed and discarded. Add a spoonful of butter, mix the mixture, and move to the dark again, now for one day. The ointment treatment is carried out within a week. The results are immediately visible. If the area between the toes is properly lubricated with the made ointment, after the complete recovery, the fungus will not interfere for a long time.
- It is allowed to use Indian onions to prepare ointment, which is a well-known folk remedy. A small piece of Indian onion leaf can cure this disease for a long time. Take a piece of paper, grind it, replace it with glycerin, then apply ointment on a cotton pad and gently move the affected area.
If folk remedies are intertwined with medical treatments, results can be achieved. Please consult your doctor before starting fungal treatment.
How to compress to remove fungus
Compression is considered an effective method to fight fungi. For example, celandine can be used for compression. Chop the plants thoroughly and boil them in water for 6 minutes, then steam the legs in the broth. If the disease is seriously neglected, additional lotion should be used.
Rowan juice helps overcome this disease. To use berries and leaves, just squeeze the juice and apply to the affected area. Treatment takes several weeks.
Clove or propolis tincture can be used to treat fungi. Folk remedies include alcohol tinctures containing various herbs. For example, when the first unpleasant symptom appears between the toes, green radish leaves can be used; if fungal disease occurs, flour may be sprinkled on the affected area. Many people choose to just put flour in their socks and walk around all day.
If essential oils are used, the treatment will be effective. It is recommended to wipe the space between the nail plate and the toes thoroughly.
Prevent fungal diseases
Effective treatment is good, but it is best not to treat the disease, but to prevent it. Foot mold prevention methods are worth taking seriously. If the condition is severe and herbal medicine will not help, you will have to consider a set of treatments.
External medicine is not always helpful for treatment, and sometimes internal medicine, such as various vitamins, is needed. Only professionals have the right to prescribe any drugs. Remember, high-quality treatment requires patience and strength, and procedures must be carried out systematically.
Sometimes, patients even need to stick to their diet, including eating foods that contain antifungal ingredients. For example, treatment will include medication and daily carrot juice or apple juice. It is worthwhile to treat this disease in a complicated way, you need to consider wearing shoes to let the skin of your legs breathe.
Treatment includes continuous prevention: for example, frequent walking barefoot can make your legs hard. You need to pay attention to the simplest rules when using public places. In the sauna or swimming pool, you can only use your own slippers, and clothes are also personal items. Remember that the fungus needs treatment; starting the operation as early as possible will ensure that unpleasant consequences are minimized.